How to Clean and Maintain Your Gutters


How to Clean and Maintain Your Gutters

Ready to ensure your gutters are up to par? Do right the first time, whether you just had a gutters installation or have had your gutters for years, Integrity Roofing can help you ensure that they are always in the best condition. 


Gutters ensure your landscaping and siding are protected from runoff and water damage. This also avoids damage to the foundation of your home. However, when your gutters get clogged with debris, water can creep under your roof, and eventually infiltrate the foundation. Clogged gutters can also cause ice dams in the wintertime, resulting in damaged gutters and the need for another gutters installation. This is why it is so important that your gutters be cleaned in the fall. At the very least, you should be cleaning your gutters, once a year. 


How to clean your gutters Installation


  1. Ensure that the ladder you are using is sturdy and extendable. Always place the ladder on a sturdy surface as well. Make sure to have a helper around in case something is dropped or a different problem occurs with the ladder. 
  2. Dress properly. Wear long-sleeved shirts when possible, and use sturdy pants, and gloves. Cleaning gutters can get messy, and you surely don’t want to injure your hands. 
  3. Remove the debris from the gutters using a plastic scoop or shovel. Gutter scoops can be found relatively cheap at your local hardware store. A sandbox shovel will also work fine. Make sure it is plastic instead of metal to avoid gutter damage. 
  4. Make sure you have a tarp underneath your workspace to catch any falling debris. 
  5. Once all of the debris is removed from your gutters, you should use your garden hose to clean the gutters and downspouts and clear out any remaining debris. This will also allow you to check your gutters for leaks. 
  6. Once your gutters are clean, you can repair any loose or damaged metal, either by mounting a gutter hanger or hiring a gutter repair person.
  7. Once you know what needs to be done, in order to do it properly. Gutter repair does not have to be that much of a hassle. Just make sure to put it on your to-do list once a year. 
  8. Don’t forget about wintertime! If it is fall, make sure your gutters and roof are winterized before it gets cold. 


Have more questions? 


If you have any more questions regarding roofing or gutters, do not hesitate to contact the roofing experts at Integrity Roofing and Exteriors today!