Integrity Roofing’s Red, White & Blue Pledge Promotiom
Your local roofing contractor is bringing you something very special. Integrity Roofing is proud to bring you the red, white, and blue daily Integrity pledge in partnership with WPSD Channel 6, featuring you, your family, co-workers, classroom, or local organizations all saying the pledge of allegiance! Show us your patriotism. We want to hear from you! Here's how you can enter:
Record the Pledge of Allegiance video on your smartphone
Next, upload your video!
Then, watch for it! Your video could be featured on WPSD 6, airing weekdays starting on January 1.
Find Integrity Roofing & Exteriors on Youtube or Facebook to learn more!
At Integrity Roofing, our team members live to serve others and do work that brings honor to God. This is why we work every day to not only serve and provide value to our community but honor and respect our country as well. It was this drive to be a part of something bigger than the company that led us to get involved with the Red, White, and Blue Pledge contest. We want to thank everyone in our community who allows us to serve you and fulfill our mission for so many years. We would also like to thank all of the participants who have taken the time to show their patriotism and interact with us through this contest, and WPSD for giving our company and community this outlet to hold this contest and show our stars and stripes with pride and admiration. Whether you are returning to the pledge, or are entering for the first time, don’t delay—show us your pride, and let us celebrate you for it at Integrity Roofing! Thank you for supporting us, our community, and this beautiful country! We look forward to hearing your pledges.